Chateau De CarluxChateau De Carlux
©Château De Carlux

Le Château de Carlux

Impregnable remains from the Middle Ages

On the hills of Carlux stand the impressive ruins of the castle, which have recently been restored. From the castle you are guaranteed a breathtaking panorama view of the Dordogne Valley !

A bit of History

Built in the 12th century, on fondations dating back from the roman times, it was an old building used by the viscounts of « Turenne ».

It often changed owners: The Lord of « Saintonge », Sir « Pons » and Sir of « Bergerac », Sir of « Turennes » and at last Sir of « Noailles » in the Revolution.

During the 100 year War (1337-1453) the castle was given to the english by the french and then given back to the french, which lead to it being set on fire. In 1481, Louis the XIth demanded for the castle to be destroyed.

Around 1953, the ruins were used by the Reformers during the Religious war.

The renovations

The renovations which started in 1992, regularly deliver new secrets : the ramparts, a dungeon, an entrance tower, a well…and who knows what else they might find !

In 1990, the owner of the castle Mr. PLATEL gave it to the Carlux commune.


During your free visit, imagine yourself back in the day where the castle went all the way upto the terrace, which still stands today and took up at least all of the Town Square.
